Baby Snowflake, Frr's Journey

By Anna J Seo

“I’m not coming. I don’t want to break up with you.”
The sound of wind kept coming out of Frr’s mouth.

The snowflake ‘Frr’ keeps making wind noises with his mouth.
Especially when Frr is scared or have to do something new,
The time has come for Frr to travel to the land village.
It’s not easy to leave mother’s warm arms.

“Baby Snowflake’s, Frr’s Journey” is the story of our children taking their first step into the world.
The world of first steps could be kindergarten or school for our children.
Or it could be a supermarket or a playground where they goes alone for the first time.

It is scary when the wind blow.
but, he feels it is a little fun.

Frr overcome his fear and go on a trip with his friends.
He trusts his mother, friends, and above all, get a self-confidence. But inevitably,
a strong wind blows and snowflakes are swept away by the wind.
“Scary” But the snowflakes soon learn how to play in the wind.
“Wow, So cool!” As the snowflakes face one more event, they feel easy. Soon they have friendship, travels and grow together.

“Hey Guys, look there!”
“It’s a land village.”
“We’re almost there.”

However it has taken only a few minutes from the the sky to the ground,
Frr have had a good experience such as excitement, over coming fear, and joy.
Additionally he has learned a value of friends.
This book is for our children who is going to go first step toward world.

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